SAVE 10% on everything including crochet patterns, yarn and beautiful ready to wear scarves.

SHOP AT: Etsy  LoveCrafts  Ravelry

SAVE 10% on all crochet patterns and yarn for a limited time on my Etsy store. Lots of other styles of crochet patterns available.

Some of the yarn now available:

Some of these beautiful yarns are perfect for my crochet patterns or other knitting, weaving, crochet and other craft projects. Other colours are available with various price points and fibers on my Etsy store.

SHOP AT: Etsy 

Various crochet patterns so you can make your own scarf and ready to wear scarves by Valerie Baber Designs are available at: 

SHOP AT: Etsy  LoveCrafts  Ravelry

HANDMADE SCARVES and other items: Etsy

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BLOG Check out my Blog for the newest patterns, free patterns, weaving adventure, crochet journey and other fiber related items.

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