SAVE 15% on almost everything including ready to wear scarves, yarn and crochet patterns so you can make your own.


SAVE 15% on almost everything including ready to wear scarves, yarn and crochet patterns so you can make your own. Lots of styles to choose from including many new ready to wear scarves of various styles and lengths and 12 new crochet patterns this year. Great gift ideas for Christmas, birthdays, thank you gifts or treat yourself with a cozy scarf to warm your day. Many different styles of crochet scarf, shawls, hand warmer crochet patterns great for making handmade gifts or add to your wardrobe. All yarn is also on sale.

Check out my Etsy store link:


Various crochet patterns so you can make your own scarf and ready to wear scarves by Valerie Baber Designs are available at: 

SHOP AT: Etsy   LoveCrafts   Ravelry

HANDMADE SCARVES and other items: Etsy

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